Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I write to express myself is my answer to Putnis & Petelin (1996) question ‘Why write?’ I have been blogging ever since 2005, looking back, I can see that I have grown from an emotional blogger to a blogger that thinks before writing because the issue of publication in Malaysia is that people do not have much freedom in expressing their thoughts. Real threats have been imposed on three prominent blogger last year which leaves and impression on Malaysia as a country controlling the press and with leaders who are worried about insecurity based on offense. (Anoni n.d). While in design, we are not encouraged to use images that are offensive and as well as plain and simple is always better that complicated and hard to read. As much as they love to appreciate the art, content still play an important role while blogging. I believe this applies to everyone in the blogging phenomenon.


Anoni n.d, anonymous blogging guide- Malaysia, viewed on 12 June 2010, from <>.

Putnis, P and Petelin, R 1996, Writing to communicate, professional communication: principles and application, prentice hall, Sydney, chapter 7, pg 223-263.


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