Monday, April 19, 2010

Blogging Community

Blogging community is a group of people with similar interest comes together to interact with each other on the latest blog post of a specific blog. Some blog communities has their own practises and guideline to be follow which actually, helps create norms within the community. (Wei. C 2004) People blog to share what they know while in return their follower or readers comments and provides a contribution.   
Blogging can be a passive activity and the only way to build a community is to start by immersing in the community around. Join other established blogging community and be active by commenting on their discussion. (Denise 2009) Installing RSS(Really Simple Syndication) on your computer or sign-up for web-based services can help saves you from having daily trips to different websites for fresh that is of interest to you.(The star, n.d) Tagging is also a helps bring others into the loop, this categorize people onto a certain group of same interest.(Chastain. S n.d).
There are three types of blogging communities.( White. N 2006)
1.       The Single blog/ One blog Centric Community – Blog is owned by one person or an organisation but may have multiple author. Blogger have the ultimate power of control as the person can remove comment or censor certain readers. They also start the topic of conversation but they are not able to control the discussion flow by the reader. Eg: . Stephen Downes blogs about e-learning, content syndication and new media. He aspires for people to be able to share interest in his blog without the complication of financial and influence worry. Learning should not cost you a penny. 

2.       Topic Centric Community- is formed through a network of common passion driven blogs linked together and create membership and combination of domain within the community. It basically begins when there is a shared interest between bloggers. Eg:

3.       Boundaried Community- are compilation of blog readers and blogs crowd on one site or platform. They are required to register and ‘join’ the community and being offer a chance to create a blog. Eg:
Blogging can be a passive activity and the only way to build a community is to start by immersing in the community around. Join other established blogging community and be active by commenting on their discussion. (Denise 2009) Installing RSS(Really Simple Syndication) on your computer or sign-up for web-based services can help saves you from having daily trips to different websites for fresh that is of interest to you.(The star, n.d) Tagging is also a helps bring others into the loop, this categorize people onto a certain group of same interest.(Chastain. S n.d).

1.       Chastain. S n.d, What is tagging, viewed on 19 April 2009, <> .
2.       Denise 2009, How do you build community?, viewed on 19 April 2009, < >.
3.       The star, n.d, RSS, viewed on 19 April 2009, < >.
4.       Wei. C 2004, Formation of Norms in a Blog Community,viewed on 19 April 2009, < >.
5.       White. N 2006, Blogs and community-launching a new paradigm for online community, going communal, edition 11, viewed on 19 April 2009, <>.
Image Source: White. N 2006, Blogs and community-launching a new paradigm for online community, going communal, edition 11, viewed on 19 April 2009, <>.


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